Wednesday, February 20, 2008

places where I'd love to sit and knit (number one in an occasional series)

Well, I should be busily sewing brooch backs onto corsages and adding price labels to scarves but instead I've been daydreaming about the places where, if time and money were no object, I would love to sit and knit.

And tonight I'm imagining myself (in high summer) at Dunster Yarn Market. In fact, I'm imagining re-establishing a yarn market at Dunster Yarn Market: a one-day festival where we could all sit and knit, spin, crochet and trade yarns and equipment. Since this is on the fringes of Exmoor, there must be a bunkhouse where we could stay, and we could arrive in style via the West Somerset steam railway...

It must be 23 years since I last went to Dunster and I have vivid memories of a sign by a car park warning people about a wasp/bee nest in the roots of a tree. It had been left there for the badgers who used to come and feast (but I've forgotten whether they would dine on the bees or on honey). But I digress!

Where would you like to sit and knit, and why?


Susie H said...

I'd like to sit and knit in a cafe in Paris...because I've never yet been to Paris, and coffee plus knitting? Fantastic...

picperfic said...

I would like to sit and knit in the park in Milan where I sat and knit last June...all alone, Barry was on a course, I was aware of my vulnarability but I loved it none the less!

Anonymous said...

mmm, interesting. I'd love to be knitting almost anywhere beside water - I don't mind whether it's the sea or a river so long as it's quiet and not too windy :0)

Dunster looks beautiful - who knows maybe your festival idea is a dream worth pursuing.