Saturday, June 02, 2007


Sorry about the silence of late, but read on and all will become clear.

Today was my last day in my current job and I start a new (part-time) post on Monday. Much as I loved my previous job, the wretched twisty stairs and box-lugging were playing havoc with my knees and ankles and some of the work I'd really enjoyed was no longer needed (thus increasing the proportion of box shifting!). Frustratingly, I leave my previous employer just at the point when I think business is going to soar, but I value my legs and sleep too much to rue this day.

Now I'm planning to catch up with my (neglected) family and friends and go places and do things (will just have to watch new, reduced, income..) And I can get this blog up-to-date with tales of South Africa, patchwork knitting in Marlow, a new technique from Horst Schulz, and the chance to join with the Bury St Edmunds Stitch'n'Bitch on worldwide knitting in public day on 9 June.

Watch this space (if I've any readers leaft after such a long pause...)


Heather said...

Yep, we're still here :-)

Good luck with the new job. I hope you have lots of time now for the things you would like to do.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the change for the better!
I am looking forward to reading your South African and other tales. :)

Wye Sue said...

Well done for going part time !!

Hope the new job is all that you want it to be and gives you lots more time to be who you want to be..

Anonymous said...

Bury St Edmunds Stitch and Bitch? I don't know about it and I live there. Were you just joshing with us? Please say you weren't!
If not, do you have any details?

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say in my post above - congratulations on the new job and hope you enjoy working in BSE!

jayne said...

Congrats on the new job - hope it all goes well. Maybe we'll see you at more k2togs now the pressures off! Can't wait for the Bury stitch 'n' bitch.

Anonymous said...

Good luck. Hope it goes really well and we see more of you on Saturdays.

Mary deB said...

Good for you to save your knees and go part-time. We're looking forward to tales of adventure and knitting!

Anonymous said...

Do you know if any knitter in the vicinity of BSE turn up on Saturday, or does one need an invite? Thanks for advice - don't want to gatecrash!

Anonymous said...

Many Congrats on your new job Rosie.
We - Claire and I - will be going to the BSE event - really excited about this - and will see at the bus stop on Sat. We can catch up on all the gossip of your new job.
Carole and Claire.